The arrival of fall has ushered in a flurry of activity on the publishing side of things.
Earlier this week, I copyrighted DAME ON THE DOCK, my 1920s murder mystery. Now the story is inching its way toward formatting and cover design.
The manuscript I wrote after DAME, a sequel to SPIRIT OF THE LAW, is now being edited, and I am receiving chapters back on that. I expect to have the manuscript completed by the end of October. Then it will be time to look at publishing options.
And then there's the new work in progress. Currently, a goofy working title is attached, and to be honest, I'm not quite sure where this story is going. At a certain point in the writing process, the story will suddenly take on life and the writing process will become easier and the story clearer.
As we drag along with COVID and quarantines, I suppose the solitary activity of writing isn't so bad after all!
Carry on and stay safe!